Monday, November 12, 2007


I just had an interesting thought come to mind about the oft-frowned-upon invention known as Hand Jammies:

For those who are going "HUH?" I ganked this description from MGEAR just for you:

"Hand Jammies are a great skin-saving alternative to tape for when climbing those gritty, skin-shredding cracks.
  • Thin, sticky rubber exterior will instantly improve your crack climbing with added grip
  • Jammies also feature wide elastic finger loops and extra padding across the knuckles for added crack comfort..."
Now we all know that any climber worth anything would only climb solo and in the nude, because shoes and clothes and ropes and gear and tape are all considered cheating- but for the sake of argument, I'm wondering:

Would you consider a piece of equipment like this to be utterly lame and undesirable because you believe it qualifies as aid? i.e. By wearing them are you cheating because they add grip to your hands that wasn't otherwise there? (Don't forget that they look silly and that all the hardmen will laugh at you..)

If you'd asked me that question a week ago I would have given a resounding "YES! Aid I say! By God, you'd be mad to even consider donning those atrocities!" However, while thumbing through the L.M. catalog, I started to think about things, and another series of questions popped up:

How many climbers tape before climbing cracks?

In a place like Indian Creek, you'd be hard pressed to find somebody who didn't tape.

Exactly how much tape are these climbers going through? In a day? A season?

ROLLS. It takes nearly half of one just to tape for one day of righteous splitter.

So what about this question?

Over a lifetime of climbing, which is more environmentally responsible/sustainable? A few pairs of Hand-jammies, or a gazillion rolls of tape?

Just some of my thoughts. I'd like to hear some of yours.

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