Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Justification for an Elitist Attitude

WTF? Why do these noobs think its ok to do these things? Go back to pulling plastic, or better yet, grab a bag of cheetos and go watch Seacrest.


This is classic...

"They should have signs and stuff and trash cans outside," said Pham, who climbs regularly in the safety of a San Francisco gym. "I don't think they even clean your rocks off for you out there."

Via The Piton

**EDIT** Apparently the Daily Camera will only let you view their articles for a limited time before they make you register. It's free to sign up, so do it, or not... article is also on the Seattle Times Site

**EDIT AGAIN** All bitterness aside, I think its important for new climbers to recognize the impact that our sport has on the environment. Recognize that you are not master of this domain, it is not yours to use up and destroy. Understand that because you possess the ability to reason, and the power to disrupt the larger system of which you are but a part, the responsibility rests on your shoulders to be a steward of your environment. Preserve it for yourself, your progeny, and for the benefit of the entire system.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Show me an elitist, and I'll show you a loser.