Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Wilderness is bad.... mmmkay?

At least it is according to some Utah lawmakers. Apparently, having designated wilderness areas in Utah and elsewhere is un-American and downright "terr-ist". Two douchebag legislators have purportedly authored a letter which suggests that environmental activist groups such as the Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance (SUWA), are "weakening America" through their environmental conservancy efforts.
The gist of the letter, authored by Reps. Mike Noel and Aaron Tilton, is this; that by working to preserve wilderness resources in Utah, the SUWA and others are limiting the development of energy in the United States, and are therefore leading America to maintain and increase its dependence on foreign oil-producing regimes that fund terrorist organizations. So basically, people who support groups like SUWA are essentially supporting terrorists, and therefore are a danger to America.

Read the article in the Salt Lake Tribune.

Sounds to me like a few more corrupt bastards are filling up their Hummers and building their McMansions on Big Oil's dime. Even better that they do it all under the pretension that they are working for the safety of the nation and in their constituents best interest. I say bullshit. Your elected officials go where the money is, and lets face it, there isn't much profit in researching and advocating alternative fuels, or in preserving land that could easily be destroyed for a buck.

I think I'm gonna go write a check to the SUWA

1 comment:

Corey Shuman said...

so are you aware of what SUWA actually does and the problems they have caused, its easy to take a look at their propoganda (which btw is 90% false and slanted) and think that you are helping out by supporting them, in actuality, they are the ones searching out the big money for their own benefit. They lobby on unfounded claims and use blanket statements about lands they know nothing about. The "wilderness" they are talking about, is not wilderness, it is covered in roads, and historical sites, all of which they view to be a "scar" on the landscape. Seems they have forgotten how and why people are here. Might want to do some research on a group that you want to support, hit their website, and then ask them about some of the lands they have posted. Its propoganda for a political machine that everyone who lives in Utah has an extreme distaste for.