Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Your Lexus Hybrid makes you look like an idiot...

I read something about a 15,000(!) sq. ft. home in Florida that will be the first home of its size to be certified green by the U.S. Green Building Council and the Florida Green Building Council. The builder of the house however, is frustrated with LEED for stipulating that an 26 additional points would be needed to compensate for the size of his structure.

He wonders, "Why are you penalising someone who wants to go green? "

I wonder, "Who the f*ck needs a 15,000 sf home?"

While I appreciate that this guy wants to be "green", I cannot see how it can be ethically or environmentally responsible of anybody to build such an atrocious home. Just imagine the sheer amount of resources used to construct this beast, "sustainable materials" or no. Its absolutely ridiculous.

The trouble is that being green is becoming fashionable, and fashion in this society equates to excess and posturing. How about some personal and ethical responsibility? If you want to be environmentally sustainable, you need to make some concessions. Ride the bus, or even better, a bike, and do it as much as possible. Buy a practical, fuel efficient vehicle if you have to drive. Instead of spending $104,000 on an LS600h, how about spending $24,000 on a Prius, or even better, $2500 on a 10 year old Tercel that gets 40 mpg, and give the rest of your money to an advocacy group who can pressure ( or bribe) the powers that be into effecting broader changes. Live in a practical home, close to your work. Grow your own food or buy it from local sources. Going to Whole Foods to buy produce that has been flown in from South America doesn't count. Volunteer your time to help clean up the natural areas near your home. Get your hands dirty.

The list can go on and on. Bottom line: You trendy hollywood greenies-subscribing to Cosmo's "50 ways to be eco-chic"-YOU ARE STILL CONSUMING.

The important thing to remember is this...

"Stuffing feathers up your butt does not make you a chicken."

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